Bob: How govt sector banks behave in case you face any problem

I’m Bank of Baroda Credit Card customer for around 12-13 years. Whenever I faced any problem in all those years, in the end I had to leave the problem/complaint as it was. Nvr was there any sensible reply, ever!

In Feb2025, there was a problem of miscalculation on their side. For which I dropped a mail asking for clarification as to how was this calculation done (and to correct one wrong entry). For this, even when ONE email chain was going, they keep on creating separate ticket numbers to confuse me/customer. The men reading the mails are, to my mind, are not sufficiently paid to do their job of reading and replying to emails properly.

Ticket nos they generated in last 20 days for just one, yet unresolved, prob:11474106 11490014 11533298 11533303 11541266 11547924 11551781 11552623 11555728 11561913 11561994 11562113 11566192 11572784 11581673 11594525 11595814 11597020 11602785 11600181 11602785 11606712 11623000 11629470

And when I tried to escalate the matters. They searched for just one email in which I had asked for my final statement, if I wished to close my account, rejecting dozens other mails asking for solution, just blocked my card out of blue (on 28/2/22025) !!!

You see, they didn’t clarify the calculation even today (1.3.2025). But out of nowhere they closed my card, working for last 12 years, without me asking to close (and in that mail too, wrote someone else’s card number, how careless!). What do you suggest? What should one do in such cases? Whom to contact? I’m already tweeting to many relevant persons. Or should I keep on waiting, as these are, after all, GOVT BANKS!!
