Complaints & RTIs to Bmc invoke no or very poor response from Corporation


मैंने बठिंडा म्यूनिसपल कॉर्पोरेशन को पिछले करीब 1 महीने में कुछ आरटीआई डालीं। लेकिन उन्होंने किसी का भी अभी तक जबाब नहीं दिया। और इसलिए मैंने उनकी फर्स्ट, और उसके बाद (अपेलैट अथॉरिटी को) सेकंड अपील डाल रखी है। देखते हैं क्या होता है।

उन आरटीआई में मैंने यह चीज़े माँगीं हैं:

  • 89350 and 89352 :: Asked from State Information Commission on 13/9/23, and repeated this RTI from Deputy Commissioner Bathinda thru No. 90432 on 19.9.23 also:
  1. Detail of all 4 wheelers owned by the corporation with their registration numbers.
  2. For what purpose are they being used?
  3. Who is incharge of those vehicles, their names and designations.
  4. How much each vehicle was run in the month of August, 2023.
  5. List of fuels that each vehicle consumed in Aug, 2023.
  6. Under which rule the bazari confiscates people s goods and what are the rules and norms for the same under local and national law?
  7. Copy of the stock register of the stock which ty bazari branch has confiscated in Aug 2023, and September 2023.
  8. Purchase bills of any purchase made by corporation in the year 2023
  9. Corporation s store s full inventory copy.
  10. How much oil is consumed by the tippers and what are their maintainance expenditure?
  11. Copy of the daily diary of your Works Departement JE Mr Pawan Kumar. How many hours and days he spent in the office in August, 2023?

  • उसके बाद 14/9/23 को डेप्यूटी कमिशनर बठिंडा से, नंबर 89459 के जरिए, और डिपार्ट्मन्ट ऑफ स्टेट इनफार्मेशन कमिशन से 89464 के जरिए यह इनफार्मेशन माँगी है:
  1. I need information Regarding complaint number 20230222777 dated 14 June, 2023 complaint (which was shown as resolved by the corporation) number what action was taken by Bathinda Municipal Corporation, by which officer.
  2. Also what were the expenses incurred on the footpath/road repair work done under this complaint. Also pls supply the photos of the work done and how much hours or days were spent to do the work of this complaint.
  3. And if the work has not been done, then under what reasons and circumstances the official complaint was closed.
  4. Also pls share information whether there were more complaints to resolve for the same work and what was the official response to those complaints?
  5. This is all the information I need. there is no opinion asked, no suppose questions. Just information according to the official records.
  6. (this point was later added to that RTI which was sent to DC Bathinda vide 90656 on 20/9/23): I need joining and duty record of Mr Rajesh JE . I need his joining record, his qualifications on which he has joined this corporation job. His official residence if any.
    What is his duty. When he goes out of office, I need his diary. What machinery is under his charge? And what is his complete job profile. Pls supply as much information regarding this corporation employee, as the law permits.

I’m awaiting for any response from anybody yet.
Lets see what happens.

rti applications to BMC

उसके बाद मेरी Bmc की एक क्लर्क/ऑफिसर राजपाल (जिनका की पोर्टल पर नंबर दिया हुआ है की यदि आप किसी रेसोल्यूशन से संतुष्ट नहीं हैं तो) का जबाब भी सुन लीजिए।

वो कहतीं की उनका तो बस कॉर्पोरेशन की वेबसाईट पर एक नंबर दिया हुआ है, लेकिन वो कर कुछ नहीं सकतीं। वो नंबर जिस पर मेरी उनसे बात हुई है: 8054164187

इसके इलावा BMC को बुरी तरह से टूटी, एक्सीडेंट करने वाली सड़क/फुट्पैथ की कम्प्लैन्ट का हल कैसे करते हैं, वो आप इस टॉपिक में देख सकते हैं: