Store Supervisor, Typist, Testing Engineer all 3 required at in bathinda

A reputed firm needs below given staff at very good salary in Focal Point, Dabwali road, Bathinda. यह स्टाफ तुरंत चाहिए।

  • 1 Store Supervisor/Manager (15k)
  • 1 Typist in English (12k)
  • 1 Testing Engineer having Electrical Diplmoa (17k)

Contact immediately.
To get contact details, just tell :
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Morning 10 sa 5 job karni haa 9876212119

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Gurdarshan Singh ,Vpo afs Bhisiana qualification 12, age 26 contact number 8289021032

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@raju_kumar ji, yeh 10 se 5 wali job nahin hai. उसके लिए आप इसी वेबसाईट पर अलग से टॉपिक क्रीऐट करके अपनी रिक्वाइर्मन्ट लिखें। इससे आपको आपकी पसंद का काम मिलने की उम्मीद बढ़ जाएगी।

Amandeep Singh, Address -Laleana, Talwandi (151301)sabo, Qualification- Diploma in Electrical Engineer , 9780321347- 7700023006 experience - Two as a supervisor and Computer opretor (basic excel)

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Contact number sent to you.



@raju_kumar मांगी गई जानकारी दें, उसके साथ ही आपके नंबर का फायदा है। अकेले नंबर का कोई ओचित्य नहीं।

Name_Satnam Singh
Adress_Kikar dass mohalla near chaju wala gurduwara street no. 6
Contact number_7986779338
Bathinda City…

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Ji this job posting is very old.

Remind me tomorrow, I’ll send you another (job) opening’s लिंक.

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