Item Name Chanding problem while entering/altering a voucher
Whenever I change/alter some item in a sales voucher, it gives the following ‘Wrong Unit of Item’ error, even when the unit is correctly used and mentioned.
I even try to clear the Quantity and Rate column fully and then again enter fresh, but still it keeps giving same error. Then I’ve to delete Quantity & rate and directly enter only amount, ‘Accept’ the voucher, then again come to that ‘Voucher Alteration’ screen and now it accepts that same unit/rate combination.
Why new journal voucher always shows ‘By’ in both fields (first should be ‘to’ and other ‘by’):
That happens when you first time open tally ‘Receipt’ voucher and from there you change to ‘Journal’ voucher. And there is no solution to this problem yet. But if the voucher opening directly is either ‘Payment’ or ‘Journal’, then this doesn’t (shouldn’t) happen.
‘To’ already filled in journal vouchers
If you change Payment to Journal voucher and find that journal voucher has one additional, pre-filled, ‘By’ field, that is because you’re using ‘Single Entry’ payment/receipt voucher. To fix this, you’d have to change the payment/receipt voucher F12 setting to ‘Single Entry: No’.
To do away Gateway> Audit & Compliance:
You’ll have to turn off security features under Company Info/Alter.
To do away with ‘Tax Classification Details (Classification/Nature)’ prompt
In Sales Invoice, press F12 in Sales Invoice, set ‘Allow Modification of Tax Details for Gst’ to ‘No’.
how can I give closing stock for diff slabs?
To mention different closing stocks for different slabs and different items, you’ll create a ledger account for the diff slabs or items under ‘Stock In Hand’ and then you’ll alter that very ledger and change the opening and closing balance/stock which will automatically reflect in the balance sheet and profit and loss.
Closing stock figures in P&L.
Not able to delete empty ledger accounts / empty item names:
For ledger accounts, I found that there were some optional vouchers, which were not showing under any report, but they were there. (Gateway> Display> Exception Reports> Optional Vouchers)
For empty item deletions also, I found that there WAS some entry somewhere in some months/period somewhere. Otherwise it can’t be that empty item can’t be deleted.
or at last, this stock item shouldn’t be under any stock category (you can view items under any stock category by way told in here below/ahead).
Stock Category doesn’t show its items
You can view all items under any one particular stock category by: Gateway> Display> Statements of Inventory> Categories> Name of your desired category and under Statements of Inventory> Statistics. It’ll show all items under that category (and their current stock position). But there is no way we can edit/change all stock items under any particular category, as we can do about Stock Groups (that we can do by Gateway> Inventory Info> Stock Groups> Multiple Alter).
Under statistics, We can also see an alphabetical list of all stock categories and all stock items under them by going to almost the same place> Gateway> Display> Statements of Inventory> Statistics> Stock Items / Stock Groups / Stock Categories. This screen also lists all such stock items which are under no stock category. Here you can press enter on any stock item or stock category and change its attributes.
Here you can change the screen by Ctrl+ k or Ctrl+i or t.
And also here, you can see all unused stock items/groups/categories by pressing F5. And also, you can select all these unused categories (or press enter on any single category) and delete that/those.
And if you wish to see stock items of any one category’s inward and outward entries (got from diff purcahse/sale vouchers, but at the same time, other items of those purchase/sale vouchers will be hidden, good), go to Display> Inventory Books> Movement Analysis> Stock Item Analysis.
GST configuration in Latest June 2023
Now Sales Ledger’s configuration screen’s ‘Is GST applicable: Yes’ but when we go inside ‘Set/Alter Gst Details’, it showed ‘Not Applicable’, ‘Taxability: Unknown’ and Tax rates showed ‘0% Tax’. Sales Ledger (under Sales Accounts)'s Gst details had ‘Taxability: Unknown’ and Integrated tax and cess both were set to ‘zero’. Even Tax Rate History (Alt+L) had nothing in it.
Next the Stock Item’s Group’s Configuration> Set/Alter Gst Details> ‘Taxability:Yes’ and ‘Integrated Tax:Yes’.
and then further deep down: Stock Item’s configuration showed ‘Gst Applicable: Applicable’ and ‘Set/Alter Gst Details:Yes’ showed ‘Calculation Type: On Value’ and ‘Taxability:Taxable’ and ‘Integrated:12%’. Then ‘Gst Details for the item’ screen (by pressing Set/Alter Gst details) was set to have proper tax rate, i.e. 12%. If you wish to specify 6+6% as central and state taxes, then You can use Tax Rate History (Alt+L) here. And same goes for any other slabbed item, like 5%
- Plus they say Sgst or Cgst ledger (under Duties & Taxes)'s ‘Type of Duty/Tax’ should be ‘GST’ (not ‘Others’). And for Sgst, its ‘tax type’ should be ‘State tax’ and for Cgst it should be ‘Central Tax’. Percentage of Tax should be 0% only. That’s all they did when cgst6 was calculating wrong when there were more than 1 item (of diff rates) being sold. And finally, in State Gst/Central Gst (or Integrated gst), which is to be under ‘Duties & Taxes’, you’ve to choose Gst> State or Central or Integrated. But Percentage of calculation should be zero here.
Earlier Gst configuration in Apr2023:
Earlier I was using this final Gst account (under Duties & Taxes) with these settings:: Type of Duty: Others (while now I’ve to choose Gst). Then I chose here Percentage of Calcuation as 6% (half of whatever total tax I desired) with ‘Method of Calulation’ set as ‘ON TOTAL VALUE’. While if we choose Gst, then this ‘Method of Calculation’ doesn’t appear at all!!
Integrated tax will only be calculated if you’ve selected buyer/seller party out of native state (i.e. Punjab). If you’ve selected ‘Cash’ as buyer/seller, then enter party state in F12 Supplementary details.
There is another setting for further Gst classification Gtw> F11 Features> F3 Statutory> Alter Gst Details> Enable Gst Classifications: Yes. When this is changed to yes, then in stock item Gst Alteration Screen, there appears an additional field named ‘Classification’ And this classification can be chosen in single/easy step, when we go to ‘Tax Rate History’ by pressing Alt+L here. When this Gst classificaiton setting (in F11> F3) is off, then we’ve to choose several steps to fill that ‘Tax History Screen’. But with classification, all those fields together can be chosen with one named setting/classification name.
Earlier, around 2021/22: sgst and cgst in my 12% cycles case, when it was troubling me:
Steps taken: Sales ledger should’ve Gst applied as ‘Integrated’ (in my case, at 12%)
Item Name: should’ve Gst Applicable: Yes, but in deeper dialogue, the Taxability: (Should be) Unknown (i.e. 0%).
Then 2 duties and Taxes ledgers, Sgst as state tax, taxable rate at 6% (in my case) and cgst under as Gst: Central Tax at 6%. And that’s it.
Hsn codes
23/8/23: We can enter Hsn code into any stock item (wether it belongs to a group/category or not) by going into its Gst Details> Alt-L: Tax Rate History. Then the same will automatically get printed on the invoices.
Exporting as PDF was spreading every sales invoice on 2 pages
When in print dialogue, press F12 (for Standard Sales Configuration), and then again F12 (for Advanced Sales Configuration) [or Gateway> F12> Sales Transaction> Sales Invoice) and then Height of normal invoice was rasied from 10 to 12 and width from 7.5 to 8. And if needed, also adjust margins (make them smaller).
Print Company Logo and Signatures
Print Company Logo on Sales Invoices: Gateway> F12> Printing> Sales Transactions (or Press Alt-P on any sales invoice)> Sales Invoice> Print Company Logo: Yes. [And to enter the path of 96 by 96 (or 80) jpg/bmp file go to Gateway> F11> F1 Accounts> Enable Company Logo: Yes will allow you to specify the path].
For Exporting Sale Invoices: Gateway> F11 (Optionally F1)> In the lower right, under ‘Other features’, choose Company Logo> Yes.
And for signature, you need to use l:\DLs\Accounts Business\TallyTDLs\3. Sign\Signature.tcp
Print/Export Company Phone Number and Website:
When in print/Export dialouge> Press F12 Configuration or Alt+t: Titling> Toggle yes to required options. (For this to work, in your company alteration screen fill company address/telephone).
Change Declaration on sales invoices
Gateway> Accounts Info> Voucher types> Alter> Sales> Set Alter Declaration: Yes> Paste desired declaration in txt format.
Change Jurisdiction and Statutory Warning> Gateway> F12> Printing> Sales transactions> Sales Invoice> Change desired settings.
Print Signature & Seal on Sales Invoices ====
Tdl shown in video is already with me):
If tally doesn’t behave (as expected of it), then disable all additional TDLs, check the results, if all ok, enable them one by one. It has happened to me once.
Print Our Company Signature on Sales Invoices
As of Nov2021: we can’t add our signature on sales invoices without the help of some (paid) addon.
Reverse Journal Vouchers:
For that we’ve to create a scenario in which we need to include ‘RJ Vouchers’. And then while viewing any report, which allows us to use ‘Alt+a’ or ‘Alt+c’ (change column), we can see this scenario.
Common Narrations in ledger reports
There is no specific way to display only common or only individual ‘narrations’ in the reports. But ‘item descriptions’, though looking and working exactly like ‘separate narrations’, can be seen and can be filtered/searched separately as well. But ‘Individual Narrations’ can’t be as of now, though tally is streamlining this process as of now.
Tally Auto Backups TDL
How to enable auto backups? :: this feature was withdrawn by tally. But there is a TDL downloaded from .
tally auto backup.txt (3.3 KB)
Tally Interest Calculation Steps. Some Deductions
- When you create proper lending (credit and payment) accounts under appropriate heads (as told below), then on whatever date you may open tally, WITHOUT YOU DOING ANYTHING, TALLY WOULD SHOW THE INTEREST PENDING TOWARDS ALL BORROWERS (either under ‘Interest Receivables’ or under ‘Borrower Outstanding Payment’ accounts). INTEREST WOULD SHOW PENDING IN ONE OF THESE TWO, ON ANY GIVEN DATE. EVEN ON FUTURE DATES.
Basic Settings regarding interest calculation ------------------
- F11>F1: Activate Interest Calculation. Use Advance Parameters: Yes (without this option, rounding off the interest amount won’t be possible).
- Also need to turn on the ‘Debit Vouchers’ option. This is required to pass the interest from ‘accrued’ to the actual ‘party’ account.
- Create a ledger named, eg. Dipa Credit (to whom you’re going to lend the money) under Loans & Advances (Assets). Choose the option: Activate Interest Calculation: Yes (and choose whatever options fancy you). And also choose ‘Rounding off up to 1’. You could also choose ‘Sundry Debtors’ or some similar, but this is more clean way of doing/organizing things.
- Then you need to create 2 additional accounts, one is Dipa Payments (under Sundry Debtors) this is the account in which accrued interest will be held till the party actually pays. And another ledger named ‘Interest Income’ under ‘Indirect Incomes’ where we’ll be able to see our whole interest income/expenditure.
- And last, if you want that you don’t need to see how much interest has accumulated towards any one/particular party on a particular/voucher date, before filling the amount in the debit note, then, for debit vouchers, you should create an ‘Interest Class’ of simple interest, and also perhaps another interest class of ‘Compound Interest’ (both for debit vouchers). Here under name of class, you can create one class for Simple Interest (press enter and choose Yes under ‘Class for Interest Calculation’). And then if you want create another class for complex interest and then inside it choose yes for 1st two options (Interest Accounting and Compound Interest). Now/So that whenever you’d be passing/creating ‘Debit Vouchers’, you won’t need to open another instance of Tally to check how much interest has been accumulated towards that party till that date.
----------------- Passing Actual Entries ----------------------
Lend money thru Debit Voucher (Debit Dipa Credit and Credit Cash).
After some time/month/days, create a debit note voucher. you may have/wish to choose the interest class here. If you haven’t created & chosen any interest class, then you’d manually check under 'Interest Receivables, as told in above how much interest has accumulated and you want to pass, fill that same amount here, and credit the income account named ‘Interest Income’. This entry would increase the principal standing by as much as you just passed the interest. E.g. if lending was 10k, and interest was 2h, then after this entry, lent principal would now show 10.2K, which is undesirable.
Then create another journal voucher, in which you’d credit that ‘Dipa Credit’ account and debit the ‘Dipa Payments’ account. So that ‘Dipa’s’ principal (on which interest would continue to accrue) and interest due, remain separate (and Dipa Credit again shows correct principal of 10K).
--------------- Checking how much accumulation has been created -----------------------
- Tall Gateway> Display> Statement of Accounts> Interest Calculation> Interest Receivables> Loans & Advances and choose the party and dates for which you want to see how much interest has accumulated. This would only show that interest part which hasn’t been passed onto the ‘party’s due ~ Interest Income’ yet. As soon as you pass that entry, that equal/same amount would cease to show/reflect here.
------------------ Additional Things regarding interest calculation ---------------------------
If you lend a personal several times, and he repays several/on diff times/occasions, then When giving an advance/loan, you may choose to keep track of ‘bill-wise’ (for this F11> Maintain Bill-wise details should be set to ‘Yes’). For this while creating the first transaction, in which you’re lending an amount on interest, you may wish to create a reference number. And thus, whenever any interest would be transferred from ‘accrued’ to ‘earned’ or any ‘receiving’ would occur, then you would/wish to choose the correct reference number.
And if you don’t want to keep things too deep, you may wish to choose ‘on account’ or ‘advance’. Experiment on 1-2 vouchers/parties, and it’d be clear. Nothing big.
Once when a confusion occurred (search for that mail from tally), I had taken a long session on this thing, something like "Tally Problems/Tips on Interest Calculation’.
In that Gmail/tally discussion case, when this calculation hadn’t/didn’t work. I had to choose the F11> F1> Maintain Bill-wise Details: Yes; For Non Trading Accounts also: Yes. And then when creating the party ledger, I had to choose Maintain Bill By Bill: Yes and then inside further options, I had to choose: No. And then without ‘Accepting’ the alteration screen (if it doesn’t work, you can try accepting this once and then go back inside), I went back to the option: Maintain Bill by Bill and made it to NO.
I don’t know why or how it worked. But it started working thereafter, even when I changed the F11> F1: Maintain Bill-wise details to : NO.
Interest is not calculating
We suggest you alter the party ledger>> Then suggest enabling the option ‘maintain balance bill by bill’.
Then we suggest you enable/activate interest calculation >>Then we suggest you disable calculate interest transaction by transaction.Then re-accept the entry.
Then we suggest you check with the report as it was calculated
properly, hence the issue got resolved.
Tally Gateway Server Port number change and service deletion
To change the port number, you’ve to stop the redundant services in windows ‘services.msg’ window and then open command prompt with admin rights, then command 'sc delete “exact service name” '. That’s it.
Then configure a new port number inside the tally itself (have to go into diff commands a bit).
Then open tally.ini and in almost the top (5th line perhaps) line ‘Tally Gateway Server=HPCOMPAQ8100:10001’ delete the last 3 words, so that this line ends at = sign [ Tally Gateway Server=]. And next time you reactivate your tally, it should activate on the port you set in tally itself, and that port should appear in this tally.ini file automatically and the same service should start in windows services list also.
Also, they/tally support configured even the silver version on tally server only. Though the port number was diff than the gold version (two services showed in windows services).
Even when I thought that the silver version should work on local license file.
– Surrender the license from the control center and then reactivate.
– tally silver also takes license from its own tally server service.