I know that as soon as I write this opportunity about, many proposals will be rushed towards me.
But pls don’t call me regarding this. You can only comment below, and I’ll reply.
Its an international project and is for only serious workers. Not for everybody who thinks that he knows English very well. But for only those who DO ACTUALLY are very conversant with English language and reasonably well with internet/computers.
Because everyone can have only 1 opportunity and once his application is cancelled, he can never apply again. His ID can be and will be only used once.
There can be (or may be not) a small qualifying test. Once they think you’re eligible, you’ll be able to earn 1000 to 2000 daily, but just sitting on your computer or mobile.
You don’t have to invest a single rupees in it. You just have to give your time, and that too, your own indoors.
If you think all this is a dream like, well, its a good, very good, opportunity. But its not as easy as you may think it is.
P.S: Don’t call please. कृपया इसके लिए सिर्फ इसी प्लेटफॉर्म पर दिए गए क्वेस्शन्स के ऐन्सर दिए जाएंगे।
2. यह एक इंटरनेशनल रीप्यूटिड फर्म का काम है, जो मुझे लगता है की चलता ही रहेगा, 10-20 वर्ष तक शायद। या हमेशा।
3. इससे अधिक जानकारी, कैसे आगे बढ़ना है, वो ढंग और कुछ सावधानिया बतानी हैं। जो की मैं आपसे मिलने पर आपकी काबलियत को थोड़ा जांच कर ही आगे गाइड करूंगा।
4. जो मेम्बर हमारे साथ किसी भी कमिटी या किटी आदि में जुड़े हुए हैं, वो यहाँ नीचे कुछ भी पूछें/कमेन्ट करें कुछ भी, मैं उनको पर्सोनली संपर्क करके सब बता दूंगा।